Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking forward to a debt free 2011!

Nick and I are obsessed with Til Debt Do Us Part. Well... maybe I am the obsessed one, but Nick has been very supportive and a team player. We didn't want to go out and buy jars, because that would kinda negate trying to reduce our spending. So we labeled our magic bullet jars with each of the spending categories. We still use our debit cards, but we deduct the amount we debit out of our cash jars. It has been really helpful and pretty easy once we figured out our budget. Nick pointed out that having an allowance as an adult is pretty satisfying. When we buy something we really want it because we have more of a relationship with our purchases. When you slide a credit card most people don't ever look at the receipt again, but we have a journal of where we are spending our money and we are very aware of what we are buying. Another change we have made is doing all of our weeks grocery shopping in one trip to the supermarket. This has drastically decreased the amount we spend because we have a plan and we stick to it. I have always loved to cook, but now I make a point to cook because it is the only way we get to eat. No more fast food and restaurants because I am being to lazy to cook. I feel like such a better wife! I am the happiest I have ever been because I feel like I am being a good wife, I am being financially responsible and the time Nick and I spend together is simple, but perfect. My goals for 2010 are to get out of debt, continue to improve my cooking, widen my pallet so I can enjoy a larger variety of foods, and get healthier. I know I can achieve all these things because our life is on track and headed for success!

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